It turns out that because I bought them at the actual JeeLabs Shop, in Europe, I got the 868 MHz versions, rather than the 915 MHz version sold at Modern Device. This might be problematic.
Anyway, I did a number of tests to determine the suitability of each frequency with the modules I have.
Testing more thoroughly with the RF12demo again, I determined the following radio capabilities:
- changing both to any of the 3 frequencies allows communication both ways (including ack)
- changing one to 868 and the other 433 allows data 868 -> 433 but not the other way (and no ack reply)
- sending from 915 cannot be received by either 868 or 433
Then I tested the relative signal quality of each frequency. I wrote a sketch that spams my car about every 50ms (it has an echo function for pinging and tests just like this) and reads the echo reply. I ran that on the USB JeeLink attached to my laptop used the highly scientific approach of walking around the house with it. I had it print out a dot for every send, and an R for every receive, so the ideal output looks like this:
... and so on.
- 915 was ok, in the same room it got all the packets, and I could get through two or three walls and still receive a significant number of packets.
- 868 was awesome. I went all over the house and hardly dropped a packet. In fact I had to get the laptop halfway into the fridge before I started losing more packets than I sent! ...R...R.R.R.R....R..R...
- 433 was disappointing. It lost packets within the room and lost significant amounts just outside the door!